Evil Planet Studios is a small studio dedicated to video edition, audio, visual effects, sculpture and special FX. Our objective is to create the highest and finest quality work on a budget.
With over 10 years of experience, Evil Planet Studios is your one and only stop for everything-motion graphics, visual effects and even music for your production. Our attention to detail, the quality of our work and the dedication we put into every single project have set us apart from most artists and designers in the horror industry, our work speaks for itself.
Visual Effects and Motion Graphics you CAN Afford!
Our mission is to deliver simply the best graphics and animations your money can buy, giving you more for less. Whether it’s a simple animated logo or stunning visual effects to ramp-up the production value of your film, a visually appealing commercial, graphics for your app or videogame or even sound effects or music, we can do it.
Browse our portfolio and find out more about what we do for you and your production, or visit our Services page!