Alright, this one took me admittedly longer to post than it normally does because customers (God bless ’em), but here it is! And what is IT? You might be asking yourselves? Well, let me tell you! So turns out, after I released the Pressured Intro After Effects template, I noticed how long it was, and maybe someone just wanted the logo at the end and that’s it, no boiler explosion or anything. Just the logo, which is fine and somewhat dandy but guess what? You’d have to buy the whole intro for that. So I decided to make a logo stinger template without all the bells and whistles of a full-on intro. Just the Logo and that’s it. That’s where “Danger!” comes in.
This is a very simple logo stinger After Effects template, yet it has the impact you need to convey excitement and action. The 3D text is fully editable and procedural, the lens flares change color every time you change and the entirety of this logo, except for the pre-rendered particles and lens flares are 3D, so you can change, for example, the text on the door (“Vault 906”), the speed on the vault doors, you can put stuff in front or behind those vault doors, etc.
Hit the break to watch the logo stinger After Effects template in action.
Danger! – 3D Procedural Metallic Text Logo Stinger After Effects Template
You can purchase and download the template here:
And here:—3d-procedural-metallic-text-logo-stinger-rdogikzmgivud4t1h/
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