New After Effects Template: Calm Waters Logo Reveal

Calm Waters - Logo Reveal After Effects Template

Peaceful tranquility is what this After Effects template was designed to portray. After so many explosive, violent and epic AE templates, it was only fair to give the action a rest and what a better way than with a calm sea or lake. Continuing with the aquatic theme from the last template, this one offers a completely new perspective; Rather than UNDERwater, this one shows the water surface instead, with waters tranquil enough to reflect the text hovering above it.

This After Effects template is relatively simple in terms of inner workings and doesn’t have too many options, however you can still fine-tune the color of the sky and water to match your needs. As always, the “metallic” text isn’t actually rendered via any special plugin, all you need is After Effects’ Classic 3D render engine, which is the one selected by default when you open After Effects.
The lens flare is ALSO pre-rendered, and it will be occluded by whatever text you put there, so you don’t really need any plugin for it either.

Hit the break to watch the template in action!

You can purchase and download this template here:
Or here:—crystal-clear-ocean-reflectionlogo-reveal-hphcqiuviqq8u6iq/

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