Flag Studio, Not Just Another After Effects Flag Template

 After Effects Flag Template

I knew when I decided to make this After Effects Flag Template it wasn’t going to be an easy deed. I didn’t want to make just another template. I haven’t seen another one like this out there, but I’m sure most of them are only editable to a point where you change the flag’s design and that’s it. I wanted to give the user as many options as possible. Mainly ’cause I started to overthink this whole thing while I was making it; What are they gonna use the flag for? How long do they need it? How strong should it wave anyway? Lighting? If so, what color? All these questions, swirling inside my head and so I decided to give it as many options as possible!

Hit the break to read more and see the video in action!

Building the Perfect After Effects Flag Template

So, while building the layers, I had to foresee many of the uses that the future potential user might have for this After Effects Flag template, and naturally one of them was badass pirate flags, which had to be torn and dirty and maybe burned. But as it turns out, that might be delicate territory for some so I spent a few days debating with myself whether I should or shouldn’t include actual fire and the extent of the damage on the flag. In the end, what you see in the sample video is what you get in terms of damage, since I didn’t want to advocate flag burning and such.

Besides being looped, this After Effects Flag template has such options as changing the size of the flag, the color of the stitches of the seams on the borders, the type of fabric and a wide selection of options for lighting. All of this in the Control Panel, ready to tweak!

You can purchase and download this template here:


Or here:
