This is a project I’ve been working on for literally months now and I finally got to finish and upload this After Effects template. There’s so much I wanted to add and so little I was able to get away with, since I needed to make the file size manageable and the editability simple enough to follow and play around with. One of my biggest regrets with this project was the fact that I wasn’t able to add more realistic effects such as sparks, explosions and smoke and I had to go with what Particular had to offer. And Don’t get me wrong, Particular is a such great plugin and the results are fantastic, but if you want realistic sparks, there’s nothing like the real thing and for that I did not have neither the rights nor permission to distribute Video Copilot’s assets so I had to generate my own. As a short digression, YES I do plan to make my own set of stock footage special effects elements but that’s still way in the future.
Now, where were we? Ahh yes, the After Effects template. Well, the visuals were heavily inspired by films and games like The Matrix, Wolfenstein and Fallout, with an interesting combination between Dieselpunk and Cyberpunk with a slightly apocalyptic Sci-Fi flare. The intention was to make it look like part of an Action/Science Fiction adventure film, showcasing the awesome MacGuffin at the end.
The editability on this one isn’t bad at all either! You can change the color of the fill light, the content on the screens, the color of the screens, the logo and the fact that a camera was included allows you to overlap your own stock special effects assets, text or even 3D or other additional elements, making this After Effects template flexible enough to delve in any other genre by changing the color scheme or lighting sceme.
The soundtrack is very much in the vein of Hans Zimmer and was specifically made for this project, I wanted something adventurous and exciting so I spent literally HOURS perfecting it it.
Hit the break to watch the template in action and let me know what you think in the comments down below!
Doomsday Device After Effects Template
You can purchase and download this template here:
Or here:—futuristic-gadget-screens-intro-r4jn4vbtiteesh0d/
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Got ideas or suggestions? Please leave a comment down below!