If you’ve been following my twitter and Facebook, which I encourage you to do, you know that I’ve been putting out 3D models for the past 2 years or so, been doing them for a bit longer than that, but strangely enough, my portfolio never had a 3D section. It’s always there, make no mistake, but almost always tangentially. Sometimes as part of a short film, other times as part of a design, motion graphics, I’ve never really been proud of them. But in the past year, I’ve realized that not only are they good enough to form part of my portfolio but I’ve become quite good with them, so I’ve been wanting to put them in my portfolio for a long time now. And as you can guess by the rate at which I update my social media, I’ve been busy. VERY busy. But his week I decided to miss some hours of sleep and get crackin’.
You can, of course visit the new portfolio HERE , and while you’re at it, please check theConcept Art and Sketches section, because there’s some new stuff in there as well. Also… did you notice the new web layout? It’s simpler, easier to navigate and it works on mobiles, too! Personally I liked the old one better, but you gotta get with the times, I guess.